Dowerin Field Day 2023 Photographs

For second year running, I have gone to Dowerin Field Machinery Day and enjoyed my experience there amidst all the agriculture equipment, machines, parts and people.

I was hired by Boekeman Missionary to take photographs of their stand, which featured Case international tractors and harvesters along with lot of their other brands. I took a number of photographs of various agricultural machines, did some timelapse video, short at three different videos for Boekeman machines. Every thing will be edited and produced in the coming week but for the time being here all the photographs from the door and field day.

Click on the images for full size view.

Case IH Patriot
96AW3a.jpeg 96A2XM.jpeg

968akq.jpeg 96Aga1.jpeg

Case IH Quadratec
96AI9x.jpeg 96AiNe.jpeg

Case IH Stand Harvestors
968yL0.jpeg 968x93.jpeg

968wWF.jpeg 968c37.jpeg

968Ugb.jpeg 968PHz.jpeg

968NE5.jpeg 96WCRA.jpeg Seed Terminator

Case IH Farmall Tractors
968uGC.jpeg 968ovv.jpeg

Ausplow Agriculture at Dowerin Field Day
968Y92.jpeg 968MW9.jpeg


All Roads Albany
968n3i.jpeg 96Wqok.jpeg

Agrifac Australia
968egm.jpeg 968HEK.jpeg

Simplicity Australia
96WdBe.jpeg 96WQFQ.jpeg

Grain King Nyrex
96WtYF.jpeg 96Wg07.jpeg

96WIfb.jpeg 96W0pT.jpeg

96Wj1z.jpeg 96WWw5.jpeg


96WESD.jpeg 96WR23.jpeg

New Holland Tractors
96W8Cv.jpeg 96W222.jpeg

96AaY9.jpeg 96A50i.jpeg

New Holland Baler
96Axfm.jpeg 96AwKP.jpeg

New Holland Harvestor
96Ab1Z.jpeg 96AcwK.jpeg

Mobile Hay Bale Stacker
96AUzc.jpeg 96AFC1.jpeg

Mac Don Header and K-Line Agro
96APhH.jpeg 96ANMx.jpeg

JCB Machines
96ADqk.jpeg 96Auje.jpeg

Ineos Grenadier
96AYPa.jpeg 96AMKQ.jpeg

Hardi Sprayers Australia
96ALtM.jpeg 96AnwA.jpeg

96Aezq.jpeg 96AS6D.jpeg

GoldAcres Sprayer
96Alh0.jpeg 96AHM3.jpeg

Flexicoilhardi 5560 Sprayer
96A7jr.jpeg 96A44b.jpeg

Claas Australia Lexion, Axion
96A3tT.jpeg 96ABl5.jpeg

96A9av.jpeg 96AVM2.jpeg

96Atkc.jpeg 96AErP.jpeg

96Ak4m.jpeg 96AJio.jpeg